That’s why all our ingredients and products must meet a series of stringent criteria:

  • all products must be 80-100% organic and plant materials used must not be extracted in a way that damages the ecological environment!
  • all plant oil ingredients are extracted with a low temperature technology to preserve the most nourishing components.
  • non-natural chemical substances, pesticides and herbicides, or chemical fertilizers that may damage the environment, must not be used during the planting process of raw materials.
  • all products must not be tested on animals.
  • all ingredients are proven to be good for your hair or skin. all ingredients must be biodegradable as a principle.
  • does not contain any artificial colours, fragrances or other substances.
  • does not contain any free radicals, preservatives, DEAs, MEAs or TEAs.
  • does not contain any genetically modified materials.
  • all plant ingredients and essential oils are made with certified organic ingredients.
  • does not contain any artificial flavours or colouring.
  • does not contain petroleum by-products.
  • does not contain silicone oil and its by-products.
  • does not contain radiation.
  • skin allergy testing has been conducted with microbiology.
  • eco-friendly packaging: PET bottles and FSC certified recycling paper trays.

Products of mrorganic will be sold globally.  in Hong Kong’s history and has already become one of the exhibitors of Japan Gift Show, the largest and most illustrious exhibition in Japan even it has not yet sold any products in the market. Rick Sidney has a partnership with Australia’s organic certification centre, and farmers and harvesters of organic and wild ingredients, and is committed to using 100% recyclable packaging and environmentally friendly production methods to produce the most organic and natural product.  is one of the highest quality standards in the industry and mrorganic could proudly say that you are making the most loving and caring promise to your pets by using our products.

品牌創立於2017年,致力為您的愛犬提供真正有機和成份天然 的產品。 Rick發現不能在市場面上為Oscar找到防皮膚敏感的專 用洗毛液,啟發了他推出21護髮洗毛液,用一個簡單的步驟 就能同時有溫和潔淨及滋潤修護的功效。經過半年的研究及進 出實驗室,Rick終於研製了一支成份不含任何對動物及對自然 環境有損害的原料的產品配方。所有原料得到美國農業部有機 認證 (USDA certified organic) 及百份百澳洲製造,確保您的愛犬 獲得最優質的。Rick深信天然的產品能給您的愛犬的毛髮及皮 膚最好的護理效果。憑著這個簡單的信念和努力不懈的堅持, 旗下的產品所有含有機天然成份, Ecocert (歐盟 ECO)及其他有機國 際認可標籤。

mrorganic的產品將在全球發售。mrorganic是在未有任 何產品發售前已成為日本最大型及最具規模的日本禮品 展參展商之一。Rick Sidney 與澳洲有機認證中心及擁有 有機和野生原料的農民和收割商戶建立合作夥伴關係, 並崇尚使用100%可回收的包裝和環保的生產方法去製作 最有機及天然的產品。ACO有機認證是業界最高的有機 質量標準,mrorganic可以自豪地告訴您,使用我們的產 品就是對您的寵物作出愛及關心的最大承諾。